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  1. 用多芬“洗白白”,黑人都能洗成白人……这波广告可摊上事儿了




Soap Company Dove is facing a wave of criticism after an advert they posted of a black woman seemingly taking off her shirt and skin to become a white woman went viral.


In the now deleted picture, the four-panel shot shows a black woman in a chocolate brown shirt taking it off and revealing herself to be a white woman in a off-white shirt.


The add also features a third panel of another woman but in the now heavily circulated pic, that is not included.


After make-up artist Naomi Leann Blake first shared the now viral photo to which the company took to their social media to apologize.

化妆师Naomi Leann Blake转发了引起争议的图片后,多芬公司在社交媒体账号上道歉。




'Dove is committed to representing the beauty of diversity,' the company said on Facebook.


'In an image we posted this week, we missed the mark in thoughtfully representing women of color and we deeply regret the offense that it has caused. The feedback that has been shared is important to us and we'll use it to guide us in the future.'


They also took to Twitter to try to ease the anger felt by many.


'An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color thoughtfully. We deeply regret the offense it caused,' added the company.


But social media wasn't having it and hated the apology, blasting the company for its insensitivity following a similar incident by hair care company Shea Moisture in April.

但是社交媒体并没有因为这份道歉就原谅了多芬公司,甚至表示对该公司的厌恶更深了。四月份时,头发洗护品牌“乳木果保湿”(Shea Moisture)的广告中就曾出现过类似的涉嫌种族歧视的问题,而多芬公司却没有对此引起重视。

"Dear dove, I assure you us 'women of colour' have actual skin with colour, not a tan that you can remove. Thanks. "


And many had issues with the lackluster apology Dove offered to its customers and followers.


Sonia Gupta said: 'This is the most non-apology apology I've seen all week. Are you joining the Trump administration now? WTF is that ad even supposed to mean?'

Sonia Gupta表示,“这是本周以来我见过最不像道歉的道歉了。你们是不是加入了特朗普当局?这广告到底什么意思你们心里没数吗?”

It was a sentiment shared by user Senzelwe Mzila who added: 'White supremacy alive and well in boardrooms. Don't apologise @Dove we are the foolish ones thinking that black people mattered to you.'

网友Senzelwe Mzila则表示:“白人至上主义不仅存在,还占据了高层的位置。@多芬你不需要向我们道歉,我们就是太傻了,甚至相信你们公司真的觉得黑人顾客很重要。”

'Your image has me scared s**tless at taking my clothes off and there is no way I'd consider turning white a good result. Shameful,' added another.


A few users brought up instances when the brand had other questionable marketing ploys that seemed to paint blackness as undesired.


Showing a campaign where two panels show 'before' and 'after' as three models from darkest to lightest stand in front of them, Nonhlanhla Mabhena simply said: 'You have done it in the past.'

Nonhlanhla Mabhena表示,“你们公司之前就做过这样的事情了。”在她发布的多芬广告宣传图片中,有两幅写有“之前”和“之后”背景图,三位模特站在背景图前,她们的肤色是按由深到浅排列的。

Another user showed labeling on one of their products bottles that said 'nourishing lotion for normal to dark skin.'


That same user also posted an advert from Pear Soap from the early 19th century that featured a black baby being scrubbed clean and eventually becoming white.

这位用户同样指出,早在19世纪前期,Pear Soap品牌广告就出现过黑人小孩使用该产品清洗后变成了白人小孩。

A photo also circulated on Facebook showing other examples of brands with racist marketing strategies and showed the comparison from those advertisement campaigns to the one Dove did.




与早前涉嫌种族歧视的广告一样,社交媒体上抵制多芬产品的标签 #BoycottDove #boycottdoveproducts 也纷纷火了起来。


来源:《每日邮报》,CNN,中国青年网 / 图片除标注外均来自网络

